
Showing posts from August, 2019

across cultures

In New Jersey, Michael DuHaime, the chief political strategist for Christie's two gubernatorial victories, points to two signposts. The first is whether Guadagno amasses a bigger combined margin in the GOP's best two large counties, Ocean and Monmouth, than Murphy does in the Democrats' best two, Essex (which includes Newark) and Hudson (which includes Jersey City). The second is whether Guadagno can break through in at least some of the counties that touch the New Jersey turnpike, from Salem and Gloucester in the south to Hudson and Bergen in the North. He was seen as a potential candidate in the 2012 presidential election, but did not run. cheap jerseys He was shortlisted for nominee Mitt Romney's running mate, and keynoted the 2012 Republican National Convention. Christie chaired the Republican Governors Association for the 2014 election cycle. wholesale jerseys from china And Sunyer, Jordi and Tiesler, Carla and Yaghootkar, Hanieh and Fornage, Myriam and Smith,